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    Top Sorority Dad's Day Ideas

    • 9 min read
    As classes start up, it's time to start thinking about all the fun events and activities your sorority does throughout the year! Functions, philanthropy events, the classic Galentine's Day sisterhood ... all of those are great. But what about Dad's Day? Usually thrown during the Fall semester, Dad's Day is such a fun event to celebrate, well, the dads! It can be hard though to plan activities that your chapter and their fathers will enjoy. Read along to for all the good ideas, what other chapters across the country have done, and how to throw the best Dad's Weekend ever!!

    saturdays are for the dads




    When talking about how to plan the best dad's weekend ever, it's almost impossible to not center the events around sports. Do you blame us? Any kind of sporting event is an almost guaranteed crowd pleasure, especially when it comes to the dads. So whether it's football, basketball, or baseball, try to plan the week around a home game! If your have the budget for it, buy a block of tickets so sisters and their dads can all sit together. You can also send out a link for girls to pay for the tickets, and then you order them so they're guaranteed to be next to one another. Either way, a day spend watching a game is a day well spent (at least that's what your dad will say.)




    Speaking of, let's talk about tailgates. These are really the cream of the crop when it comes to hosting the perfect dad's day event. There is truly something for everyone. Want to watch the big game? Perfect - have a TV or projector set up somewhere to display the football game. Just looking to hang out with your sisters and their family? Easy - set up some tables and chairs, scatter some games like Connect 4 or giant Jenga, and let people chill out with their favs. Only there for the food? Same - barbecue, burgers, hotdogs, mac n cheese, chips and queso ... I could go on and on. No matter what you're there for, a tailgate is an event the whole family can enjoy.


    Cornhole, bean bag toss, bags, whatever you call it - there's an 80% chance your dad has played it and enjoys it. On the beach, in the backyard, in a cornhole tournament (yes, I looked it up and those exist), cornhole is a perfect activity for the dads. One year, my sorority had a tailgate that included this fun lawn game, and let me tell you, it was a hit. I cannot even begin to explain how excited these grown men were to throw bean bags at a wooden platform. And before you ask, no, I am not good at this game that I just made fun of. I am in fact terrible. But it's all about having fun with your dad, so in the end I won. For around $50-$75, dads and daughters can bond together playing a fun, classic tailgate game for years to come! This game will last you years and can be brought for so many different events throughout the year.




    Tickets too expensive or no room to tailgate? No problem. At the end of the day, all you need is a TV. At the sorority house, have the game displayed somewhere with room for people to mingle around. This would also be a great opportunity to set up a photo booth for your sisters to take pics with their family. You can get funny props, or keep it simple with a painted banner. DIY Alert - ask your chapter to send in photos of them and their dads over the years. You can then print them out and make a collage wall of all our members together. This adds a personal touch to the event and will be fun for all the dads to try and find themselves!



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    the way to a man's heart ...



    There's no successful tailgate, or event in general for that matter, that does not center around good food. When it comes toDad's Day, you're going to want to make sure that you have all the bases covered. Barbecue is always a safe bet, though some classic burgers and hot dogs will never disappoint. Whatever you decide, getting it catered from a local restaurant will probably be the easiest option. Set up a long table and make it buffet style, letting dads pile up their plates. There's nothing better than dads getting to hang out with their daughters surrounded by good food!


    This is also an excellent excuse to make a fun themed charcuterie board! Put the pepperonis in the shape of a football, make a celery stick field goal, or just keep it simple and add all the meats and cheeses you can find. This is a day all about the guys, after all. Other finger foods would be perfect for any event throughout the weekend. Random dips, fruit plates, and mini cupcakes are just some go-to's for a simple event at the sorority house.




    Those early games ... oh how we love to hate them. We've already established that watching the game is the easiest and most fun way to entertain the fathers, but what if the game that week is in the morning? No problem - just an excuse to start the festivities earlier! Having a brunch themed house event or tailgate is totally doable and totally fun! Again, it's all about the good food. Pigs in a blanket, fruit platters, and biscuits is just some ideas to feed the masses in the morning. You can also keep it simple and get a bunch of Chick-n-Minis platters. I've never met someone to turn down one of those at a 10am tailgate. Don't forget coffee! It is crucial to stay caffeinated in order to celebrate with the dads all day long.


    One sorority chapter, Delta Zeta at the University of Tennessee, makes a tradition of celebrating in the morning. They have an annual breakfast tailgate in the middle of Fraternity Park in Knoxville to celebrate the parents. Megan Maclean, the t-shirt chair for the chapter, told me about all the different kinds breakfast foods they have to make the event a success. It's an event that members and their families look forward to every year, and I can see why! No matter the time of day or where it's at, it will always be a good time hanging with family and your sisters.




    Whether it's their first time in your college town or they're alumni, it's always a good idea to take your dad to all the classic spots around town. You can reserve tables at a popular sports bar or burger place, or simply encourage your chapter to take their dads out! It doesn't have to be anything too fancy. I talked to another t-shirt chair, Sally Pounds, about what she's looking forward to when her parents come in town. A member of Alpha Omicron Pi at Georgia Southern University, Sally loves seeing your mom and dad come into town since they live so far away (and having them pay for everything doesn't suck either.) She also talked about how fun it is to take them to her favorite spots and give them the full Georgia Southern experience. So whatever you choose to plan for this year's dad's day weekend, make sure good food and good times are at the top priority!


    the great outdoors

    1. TAKE A HIKE


    When in doubt, go outside! No matter where your school is, a nice walk/hike/bike will always be an easy activity to fill an afternoon or morning. If your area has cool hiking trails or mountains, take advantage of it! Send out a signup sheet across the chapter before the weekend to get a head count on who would want to go. If some girls want to go on a more advanced hike, make sure to split up the groups based on what everyone's looking to do. Not a lot of planning is needed for this activity - just find some good hikes and a good window of time for everyone to go! You can also set up a small snacks and water at the house for before or after the hike, depending on how extensive the trek will be. This would also be a cool opportunity to get local businesses to do a pop-up at the house, if possible. Any nature-focused businesses, athletic wear companies, or sports drink places would be super cool and have all the dads interested. It's a win win for both the dads and businesses!




    This idea might just be a dream, but a chill day day by the water seems perfect for a dad's day event. It gives dads the perfect opportunity to bring along his fishing poles that he swears he'll use (please tell me someone else's dad does this, not just mine.) This kind of event can come in many different forms. You can have a picnic style day by the lake, inviting members to come and hang out with their families. Make it more fun with some classic picnic games - cornhole (obviously,) horseshoes, Spikeball, whatever you think your chapter would like! To go a step further, you can make tournament style games! For example, you could do a dads vs daughters kickball game or dodgeball - getting all the competitive juices flowing. Have some laughs and make the dads do sack races or a three-legged race, bringing it back to the super classic yard games.


    Another fun water related activity with the dads is to go floating! If you have a river near your college town, take advantage of it! It is super easy to rent tubes/rafts and go together in a big group. Depending on the size of your chapter, split up by pledge classes or let people sign up in groups of ~20 or so. This is a super unique way to see the great outdoors while still being able to talk with your family and friends. Some of the best memories come from hanging out with your girl gang and their dads - and floating is a perfect way to do that! You can order pizza for afterwards or let people do their own thing. This is an especially good idea if your area stays hot well into September and October. No better way to cool down than in the water!




    As talked about earlier, it's always a good idea to take your dad around town while he's visiting. Check ahead and see if there's a farmer's market, concert, or other event going on during the weekend. You can simply send out ideas to your chapter in case they're looking for things to do when there isn't a sorority sponsored event going on. That's the best part of dad's day IMO - showing your papa your world in college. Your fav coffee shop, the best little restaurants, downtown shops, anything. An afternoon walking around town is always a safe bet. You can also take your parents on a tour of campus before/after/during the tailgate! Show them where your classes are, where you got lost on the first day (don't even try to deny it,) or the library (where you spend hours and hours each day.) Whatever you do, know that all your dad cares about is being able to spend time with you :)



    get stylish, graphic tees this coming dad's day


    Emerson Coast specializes in making the perfect t-shirts, not only for your sorority but for the dads as well! We have so many designs to choose from, no matter what the event. Don't see what you're looking for? No problem! We can create anything you're wanting from scratch, and it's only a text message away. To make this Dad's Day an event to remember, give us a text at (479) 856-2140.We can't wait to make the t-shirt of your dreams!


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