• Design Now

    The Ultimate Guide for Tshirt Chairs

    • 8 min read

            So you just got elected as your sorority's t-shirt chair - YAY!! That is SO exciting ... but what next? The next few steps can seem daunting, especially when trying to make your entire chapter happy with the design and merch you choose. We know the process of creating shirts is stressful, so we've tried to make it as easy as possible for you!


    With this step by step guide, we will show you how simple your process is when it comes to designing, printing, and shipping shirts. We want you to enjoy being your sorority's t-shirt chair, not stress over the tiny details!


    Step 1: Browse for inspo


    When starting the process of looking for some new PR for your chapter, you have to browse around for what you like! Our website is separated by style, design style, type of event, and sorority. If you're looking for a design for aBid Day tee, you can narrow it down to the exact theme or color scheme you're going for. If you want a general PR tee, you can get more specific with a type of style, like "retro," "simple," or "floral." If you know you want a certain style - like a hoodie or baseball henley, you can specify that as well!


    You can also browse our website with key words, searching by color, style, or specific graphics. If you want a tshirt that features a smiley face, a simple search will pull up 40+ designs. You can also search for an event specific to your sorority, like "Anchor Splash" or "Strike Out Arthritis."


    We also have an extensive amount of designs on our Pinterest, organized by both sorority and type. It's easy to spend hours on Pinterest searching for inspo, especially for important upcoming events for your sorority! We've made it easy - posting all our recent designs, as well as how customers have styled their merch!


    Step 2: Start a Proof


    Starting a proof can seem intense, but we promise it'll be the easiest thing you do that day. Once you have an idea of what you want, you can do a few different things, depending on what works best for you!


    No matter what way you choose to reach out, there's a few things to remember about the design process:


    1. It's free! You are not committing to ANYTHING by reaching out to start a proof.

    2. It's fast! You will hear back from us within 1business day after your initial request.

    3. It's flexible! You can choose to text or email - whatever works best for you.




    That's easy! Next to each design are two buttons, "Get a Price" and "Customize Me." Click one of those, and you will be directed to a form to fill out some basic info. By using one of these buttons, you don't have to worry about linking the design you like - we did it for you! In the form, you will fill out what you would like to change about the design, as well as the approximate quantity of shirts, budget per shirt, and the date you need them by! If you have other reference pics, you can upload those as well! This is also where you choose to be reached out to be text or email.




    We totally get it, choices are hard! Thankfully, we have multiple ways to start a general proof on our site without having to commit to a specific design. In the right corner of the website is a dark red button that says "DESIGN NOW." It's our personal favorite button. This will bring you to a quick form, filling out some basic info about what you're looking for. Give as many details you want, but don't stress if you don't know what you want! We will help you create EXACTLY what you're looking for, even if you aren't sure what it is yet. You can again choose to be emailed or texted - whatever floats your boat!





    We pride ourselves in fast communication, but what if you're REALLY in a rush? To get the fastest response possible, text our account manager directly! (479) 856-2140 is your go-to number once you want to start a t-shirt proof. By texting her directly, we will be able to get a design started for your event as fast as possible. You can send her screenshots of our site, inspo pics from Pinterest or Instagram, or just a general idea of what you're looking for. And don't worry about what time you text - though you probably won't get a response at 3 AM, we'll make sure to get to your request the next day!




    We love a good screenshot! It doesn't matter where you find inspo for your design, we'll make it 100% customized for you! Just because you don't see that design or type of merch on our website doesn't mean we can't do it! We can put any design on just about anything - just ask!


    You can upload the screenshot on our website using the red "Design Now" button in the top right corner of any page, or text us the inspo pic directly. If you find inspo on Instagram, we recommend texting the picture to us for the fastest response possible. You can DM us through Instagram, but it might take a little bit longer to get something started. When in doubt, go through text - (479) 856-2140!!


    Step 3: Make the Design Perfect


    Once a sales rep reaches out about your design request, the real fun begins! This is an exciting process, for both you and us! We want to make sure you love this design 100% before you commit.


    Going into this part of the process, a few things to remember:


    1. It's free! We will not charge you for any changes or edits to your design, no matter how big.

    2. It's flexible! We will not place an expiration date on your proof, letting you come back to the design whenever you want.

    3. It's fun! We truly LOVE getting to collab with you and want to make this the best experience for you.




    Once you submit a request, your sales rep will walk through each detail of the design with you to make sure it's what you want before submitting it to be designed. Proofs usually take 1 business day to get back, depending on the complexity of the art. Once you get your initial proof back, let us know what you think! You can choose what you want to change - and no detail is too small! Don't feel pressured to make a snap decision; we want to make shirts that you will love, and that's in the details! If you have things you want to change, we will take it back to the artist and make edits - no worries :)


    Once you have the design you want, we have to get it approved by your organization's nationals. Don't worry, you won't have to deal with this part - we take care of it for you! They may deny a certain part of the design, but we will edit when needed to still make it perfect for your chapter!




    There are multiple pieces to a design that will affect the price, but we will walk you through all the options available. The style itself is one major factor - whether it's a tshirt, long sleeve, crewneck, etc. There are different types of each style, all varying in price. Another factor is the number of inks used, the more colors = the more expensive the design will be. The color of the shirt also affects the price. If the shirt is dark (like a navy or black) we have to use a base underneath the main design so the colors will show up. This base will act as an additional ink color. The quantity of shirts you order also affects the price.

    No matter your budget, we will work with you to help make the best shirt possible!


    Step 4: Place an Order


    Once you are 100% in love with the design, it's time to place an order! There are a couple ways to officially order your perfect shirts, and it's all up to what works best for your chapter!




    If you already know how many people are going to purchase a shirt, a bulk order is a great option for you. With bulk ordering, you youself collect the sizes from those that are ordering a shirt. Once you give us the sizes, we can start printing! The price is solely based on the shirt, with no added fees. You will have to collect the money from your chapter to pay the invoice, however. You can send a check or pay with a credit card. This is a great option for chapter required shirts, likeRecruitment, Bid Day, or a Philanthropy event. If everyone has to purchase a shirt, a bulk order could be what's right for you!




    If you don't want to mess with the sizes and money, an online order is for you! We will set up a link that you can send to your chapter, allowing your sisters to order directly online. They will pay directly through the link, making your life a little easier! With this method, you will have to set a minimum beforehand. 25 is the most common minimum, but it can depend on the style. Once the minimum is set, it cannot be changed and must be met for the order to be processed. You will also set a closing date for the order, giving the chapter plenty of time to snag some merch!


    With online ordering, there is an added transaction fee that is applied to each shirt individually. When it comes to shipping for online orders, you have some options! You can either have the entire order shipped to you for FREE, or members can choose to have them shipped directly to them for an extra cost. An online order is a great option for random PR, including hats, hoodies, sweatpants, etc. It is also easy to send the link to other organizations if you're selling shirts for a date function or campus wide philanthropy event.


    Step 5: Receive Your Merch!


    The day has finally come - you get the merch you've worked so hard on! There truly is no better feeling than seeing a big Emerson Coast box outside your sorority house door.


    Once your order is processed, our standard turnaround time is 2 weeks. If you need the shirts before 2 weeks, we will see what we can do! This may include a rush fee, however. If you need individual shipping, we can do that too! It will cost a little extra, but we will get it shipped out to them as soon as possible.


    Once you get your order, rip that box open! If there's anything, and we mean ANYTHING, wrong with your order - let us know within 24 hours! We want to make it right for you however we can. Shoot us a quick text or email and we can fix it!



    And that's it! We love making t-shirts, and want to help you fall in love with the process as well. Starting a proof is FREE, our communication is FAST, and the process is FUN! What's better than that?


    Still have questions about the process? No biggie - it's a lot to take in. You can text us at (479) 856-2140 or email emily@emersoncoast.comfor all your questions! For a general overview, check out our FAQ page! That is a way more condensed version of this ultimate guide, answering all the good questions.


    Ready to start a design? Let's do it!